An “imaginary disease” that affects about 10% of the population
Fibromyalgic syndrome is a still mysterious pathology. Even today the specific causes are still unknown, nor are there still specific therapies that allow their healing. The term fibromyalgia is from the Latin fibra (fiber) and the Greek words myo (muscle) and algos (pain). It indicates a pain that affects muscle fibers. This pain appears to be widespread throughout the body although in most cases the fibromyalgic sufferer reports pains starting from upper and lower limbs. In addition to muscle and joint pain, common symptoms of fibromyalgia are extreme tiredness, concentration problems, poor sleep quality, mood swings. Although it is defined as a rheumatic disease, fibromyalgia differs from other rheumatic diseases in that there is no inflammation at the base. For this reason, treatment with the classic painkillers or anti-inflammatory does not produce any benefit in the fibromyalgia patient.
So, is there an alternative way to drug therapy to improve the quality of life of fibromyalgia sufferers?
A great help can come from practicing light aerobic physical activity, such as walks, carried out with regular frequency (half an hour a day), or an endurance training.
The intake of certain vitamin groups, such as vitamin D and vitamin B12, as well as the daily intake of magnesium, can also help to reduce symptoms such as muscle tension and cramps.
Since there is often also a strong stress factor behind the occurrence of fibromyalgic syndrome, the use of aromatherapy and specifically calming and relaxing essences, such as chamomile, lavender, cypress, can help reduce the extent of symptoms.
Finally, in addition to physical activity, the intake of vitamin and mineral supplements, the use of aromatherapy, a help in reducing the painful symptoms of fibromyalgia comes from the intake of extracts of devil’s claw and arnica, natural anti-inflammatory, often used in the treatment of this type of pathologies.
What is important to always keep in mind in the use of any of the above remedies, is that these are still therapies whose purpose remains simply to reduce the painful manifestations of the pathology. It should therefore always be remembered that these are not definitive treatments, although they are often useful in improving the quality of life of a fibromyalgia patient.